The Foundation conducts interviews with many older Sainte Marie residents in order to preserve their memories of the village's past. The interviews are videotaped and available to relatives and friends. These are an integral part of the historical collection at the Foundation House. The DVD's are available for purchase (donation to the Foundation). For more information or to purchase a DVD Contact Us.
The first interviewee, in January 2008, was Romonna Hunzinger Ochs, retired Sainte Marie postmistress. Rommona brought pictures that she thought should be included on the DVD, including the cover of a magazine (pictured) where she was featured as a "Rosie the Riveter" in an Evansville, IN, war defense plant in 1943!
The following DVD's (about 30-60 minutes long) are available from the Foundation or can be viewed at the Foundation House upon special request.
2012 175th Celebration
Dorothy Helregel Mathious 2011: A Benefit Vocal Concert
The Foundation House Before Renovations 2008
Jim Litzelman in Concert 2010: A Benefit Piano Concert
2008 Come Back Home Celebration
Interviews with Kathy Yager:
The Quilting Ladies
Romonna Hunzinger Ochs
Ron Kirts
Evelyn Geltz Kocher
Marge Barthelme Hartrich and son Ken
Paul Mullinax
Josephine Spitzer
Copies may be acquired with a $25 donation (per DVD) to the Foundation. For more information or to purchase a DVD Contact Us.